Friday, January 31, 2020

Cultural Perspectives on Vaccination Essay Example for Free

Cultural Perspectives on Vaccination Essay The debate is led by anti-vaccinators who oppose vaccinations on ethical, political, religious and medical safety grounds. On the other hand, pro-vaccinators argue that the health benefits of vaccines outweigh the very few adverse effects that they have, and that vaccines have been largely advantageous to public health. Main points of contention: Pro-vaccinators (usually health care specialists, microbiologists, governments, pharmaceutical companies) Vaccinations are an effective and cost-saving tool for disease prevention. Positive externality attached to the use of vaccinations – overall public health is positively affected Side-effects are infrequent and the most common ones are minor. Anti-vaccinators (some conservative Islamic and Christian groups, usually libertarians and victims of public panic) Vaccines are ineffective and are used to generate profits for Big Pharma. Mandatory vaccinations interfere with individual and religious freedoms. Vaccines have severe side-effects and can trigger brain disorders. Points in favor of vaccines The effectiveness of vaccines has been globally verified.  Scientific research confirms the efficiency of all vaccines administered to the public, including the vaccines for measles1, influenza2 and pneumococcal disease3, 4. Protection against seasonal flu, chicken pox, cervical cancer, whooping cough, among other diseases5 Vaccines led to the eradication of small pox6. Global reduction of polio (number of cases has shrunk by over 99% since 1988)7, measles (deaths have reduced by 78%)8, tetanus (92% reduction in global cases since 1980s)9 Most side effects caused by vaccines are minor, such as low-grade fever10. In the US, vaccines are introduced to the public after years of thorough testing and are monitored closely after10. Points against vaccines and rebuttals Vaccines are a ploy by Big Pharma to generate profits by marketing needless vaccines. All companies are motivated by profits, including McDonalds and Apple Inc. Pharmaceutical companies are encouraged by public authorities  toward the production of vaccines due to the resultant overall public health savings, despite the following: Medicines for chronic diseases are more profitable. Production of vaccines is a high-risk venture since it involves huge capital investment for research. Moreover, vaccine production, safety and marketing activities are tightly controlled by authorities11. Foreign governments repeatedly push for lower costs. Although the vaccine industry has grown multifold over the past years and is generally profitable, pharmaceutical companies should not be blamed for misdirection when the health advantages of vaccines have been verified by academia and are widely acknowledged. Exemptions on religious and philosophical basis should be permitted. The religious and philosophical views of a group can be overlooked to protect the health of an entire population, since unvaccinated people create a level of risk for themselves and for the rest of the population12. The Netherlands is at risk of a measles outbreak in the orthodox Protestant group, and the consequent transmission of measles to the general population, as shown by a recent study13. Mandatory vaccines infringe upon individual freedoms. Vaccines directly affect the well-being of the people around, and are thus, not as private a decision as one would assume. Positive externalities are usually ignored by people while making decisions. Some people claim that taxes are unconstitutional. But taxes, like vaccines, are a mutual responsibility and work for the common good. Vaccinations lead to life-threatening side effects. The most common side effects of vaccinations are minor, like low-grade fever or soreness near the injection site10. Scientific research has disproved the popular claims that vaccines cause SIDS14 or brain disorders like autism15, 16. The chances of complications from diseases are much higher than the chances of complications from vaccines. Thimerosal, a preservative used in vaccines, and the MMR vaccine cause autism. Research shows no cause-and-effect relationship between autism and thimerosal17, or autism and  the usage of MMR vaccine15, 16. The usage of thimerosal has only minor side-effects, like swelling near the injection site18, and the most common side effect due to the administration of the MMR vaccine is low-grade fever10. Thimerosal was taken out of vaccines for children in 2001 only as a preemptive measure. Even then, autism rates have only grown18. Nearly all scientists whose researches concluded a positive correlation between vaccines and autism retracted their researches. Vaccines must be repeated and do not provide long-lasting protection. One size neither fits all humans nor all diseases. MMR vaccination does, in most cases, provide life-long protection. Other viruses mutate fast and immunizations must be renewed to fight the virus. Repetitive vaccinations are a small cost to pay in the face of deadly diseases. Even vaccinated children might contract diseases. Vaccinations are 90-99% effective in preventing diseases among children19. These diseases generally manifest with milder symptoms and less severe complications. Some children do not respond to vaccines and some are not immunized due to compromised immune systems or allergies. Herd immunity must be achieved in order to protect the unimmunized population. Whooping cough epidemic despite the availability of vaccinations Effectiveness of vaccine relies on herd immunity Vaccination rates have been dropping due to anti-vaccination movements and the subsequent public panic. Exemptions against vaccines have doubled since 199720.  States which make exemptions easily available to parents have more cases21. Most cases of whooping cough are among infants too young to be vaccinated. Highly-publicized cases of brain damage alleged to have been caused by the whooping cough vaccine created public panic in Great Britain which caused a drop in immunization rates and thus, epidemics of the disease22, 23. Most complications reported were not associated with the vaccination22. Better hygiene and sanitation in the recent years is the reason for the falling rates of diseases. Better hygiene does prevent the spread of diseases. However, disease-causing germs stick around, sometimes in our bodies. They can also be spread by means such as sexual contact or sneezing, and vaccinations teach our bodies how to fight diseases once the germs attack our bodies. Measles, like other diseases, saw a permanent drop in 1962, after its vaccine was licensed24. Evidently, vaccines have a direct impact on disease control. The cases of haemophilus influenzae in children started declining a few years ago, since the introduction of the vaccine for children, while the levels of sanitation and hygiene have been practically unchanged since 199023. The number of global cases for vaccine-preventable diseases has been dwindling as the vaccinated population has been growing. India is polio-free now due to country-wide vaccination efforts (in modern times) to eradicate the disease25. Some doctors and scientists stand against vaccination. A vast majority of doctors, including medical experts at CDC, WHO as well as non-governmental organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, support the administration of vaccines. It is important to consider the religious and philosophical views of these doctors. Sometimes, financial gains might be involved26. Combination vaccinations overburden the immune systems of babies. Children, in fact, receive fewer antigens today than they did in the past. There is no evidence to support this hypothesis.  Combination vaccinations simply reduce the number of vaccines administered to babies.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

freeclo Moral freedom for All in Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange :: Clockwork Orange Essays

Anthony Burgess:   The importance of moral freedom for all in A Clockwork Orange   Moral freedom is one of the most if not the most important of any freedoms available for humans.   Moral freedom is the ability to either choose to perform good and bad deeds or both.   Totalitarian governments take away one’s individual choice and thus, suppresses and suffocates thee soul.   The setting in A Clockwork Orange, is a general parallax to a totalitarian and oppressive government.   Alex the main character is the representative of the common man, and his struggle in this type of government.   In the novel, A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess suggests that the importance of moral freedom be stressed even for criminals condemned by society.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim†¦.and we sat in the Korova milkbar making up our rassadooks what do with the evening,† this was a typical night of a â€Å"nadsat† or teenager.   A bunch of hoodlums, going around committing acts of violence and crime, for they have moral freedom; which they choose to do bad.   First they assault a young man in an alley, and then they go to this author’s house, and vandalize it and rape his wife.   But while at this house, they come across a book called A Clockwork Orange, and Alex reads about it:   â€Å"The attempt to impose upon man, a creature of growth and capable of sweetness, to ooze juicily at the last round the bearded lips of God, to attempt to impose, I say, laws and conditions appropriate to a mechanical creation,†(26) at which he ironically laughs and tears up. After an eventful night like that, Alex goes home, â€Å"Where I lived was with my dadda and mum in the flats of Municipal Flatblock 18A, between Kingsley Avenue and Wilsonway.†(37)   There he goes to his room, and turns on his stereo and his good side comes alive.   His deep love for classical music like Mozart, Beethoven, and G.F. Handel, can be seen clearly.   In the morning he decides not to go to school, and he ends up violently raping two â€Å"devotchkas†, again displaying his moral freedom to be bad.   That same night, they try to rob and old â€Å"psitsa† that has a hundred cats living with her.   Alex ends up killing the old lady, but he gets caught by the â€Å"millicents† and will be tried as an adult.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Aggression and aggressive behaviour

Aggression can be found across civilizations and gender. Aggressive behavior is either to injure another, to derive something for the attacker, or to ensue in both hurt and immaterial additions ( Zirpoli, 2008 ) . It is normally assumed that work forces are more aggressive than female. As it can observed in our day-to-day life, the inclination for work forces ‘s engagement in competitory athleticss such as utmost games, the military, and the unsafe work is far higher than adult females. We know that aggression is an emotional energy. Both male and female need a certain degree of aggression in their working or analyzing life to accomplish their ends. When adult females and work forces work together in a squad, work forces frequently are more aggressive and dominate mixed-gender squads. For illustration, a company manager place is normally denominated by work forces. It should observe that there are besides adult females taking a company but the proportion is non that high comparison to work forces. On the other manus, adult females are less prone to self-assertion and more prone to compromise. They are more likely to work towards keeping relationships among team members every bit good as advocator for group harmoniousness. This may propose that male has a high emotional intelligence to move sharply in prosecuting their ends. Harmonizing to our study, findings show that male is more aggressive. For illustration, for the inquiry of â€Å" Male or female are more aggressive? â€Å" , one of the replies suggests that male is more aggressive for the ground that they have their natural inherent aptitude in them called self-importance which sometimes causes them to be more competitory. However, we besides found the contradiction during the interview subdivision with Ms. Alice. Harmonizing to her, adult females can be aggressive and it may be chiefly based on their civilization, household background. If a adult female were populating under tough environment, they can be aggressive than a adult male who is populating in comfort zone. She will endeavor really hard in their work to purse for a better life in their hereafter. Zirpoli, T.J. ( 2008 ) . Modeled aggressive behaviour. An Education & A ; Child Development Site for Parents. Parenting & A ; Educational Resource. Retrieved February 21, 2011, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Life anticipation â€Å" Life anticipation is an mean figure of old ages that a individual can anticipate to populate in â€Å" full wellness † by taking into history old ages lived in less than full wellness due to disease and/or hurt † ( â€Å" Healthy life, † n.d. ) . Life anticipation can fall due to many factors such as disease, accident, war, dearth and so on. On the contrary, betterment in lifestyle, wellness and public assistance can increase life anticipation. Historical information shows that females have lived longer than males in virtually every state in the universe. Harmonizing to Rosenberg ( 2010 ) , presently the universe broad life anticipation for female life is 66 old ages but for male is 62.7 old ages, a difference of more than 3 old ages. Life anticipation can be affected by emphasis through unhealthy effects of emphasis on human organic structure over the long-run. A research done by Katyal and Awasthi ( 2005 ) found that females tend to hold higher emotional intelligence than males. The possible grounds might be due to the fact that females be given to be more emotional and confidant in relationship as compared to males, so their emotional intelligence ought to be higher than that of females. This suggests that female is more intelligence in stress direction. For illustration, females are likely to shout out and talk out whenever they encounter trouble as a manner to live over their emphasis. Males, on the other manus, are more likely to maintain it soundless under nerve-racking status which severely affects long-run wellness. Furthermore, life styles can convey a profound consequence on life anticipation every bit good. Our determination shows that bulk of the respondents pointed out that females tend to hold a better life style comparison to males. It can be seen that the degree of intelligence in pull offing lifestyle varies among gender. Females are more intelligence in commanding their behavior to avoid holding unhealthy eating manner comparison to male. Besides, male and female have different emphasis let go ofing techniques in their unrecorded. Males tend to let go of emphasis through fume or intoxicant while females are tend to make shopping or yoga as a manner to let go of emphasis. As a consequence, we can reason that females are more intelligence in pull offing a better life style comparison to work forces and it is one of the of import grounds result in longer life span. Healthy life anticipation ( HALE ) at birth ( old ages ) . ( n.d. ) . World Health Organization. Retrieved February 18, 2011, from Rosenberg, M. ( 2010, June 14 ) . Life Expectancy – Overview of Life Expectancy. Geography Home Page – Geography at Retrieved February 21, 2011, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Katyal, S. and Awasthi, E. ( 2005 ) . Gender differences in emotional intelligence among striplings of Chandigarh. Department of Child Development, Govt. Home Science College, India. Retrieved February 21, 2011, from hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // _ob=ArticleURL & A ; _udi=B7MDM-4KFM64T-4 & A ; _user=10 & A ; _coverDate=06 % 2F30 % 2F2006 & A ; _rdoc=1 & A ; _fmt=high & A ; _orig=search & A ; _origin=search & A ; _sort=d & A ; _docanchor= & A ; view=c & A ; _searchStrId=1649821836 & A ; _rerunOrigin=google & A ; _acct=C000050221 & A ; _version=1 & A ; _urlVersion=0 & A ; _userid=10 & A ; md5=e2370864200f8f04fc8c3b56c4b95191 & A ; searchtype=a hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // ? tag=content ; col1 hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // ? tag=content ; col1 If adult females act chiefly in such conventional footing and keep backing input to continue relationships, the squad may non be able to accomplish the coveted consequences. Aggression is applied to all worlds without dividing male from female. The aim for this inquiry is to happen out whether male or female is more intelligence in endeavoring for accomplishment. In general, gender differences in behavior have been argued with the premise that males are more aggressive than females. â€Å" Aggression is the biological footing of all energy generated to prosecute any end †

Monday, January 6, 2020

Preparing for the Ultimate Trial Essay - 1967 Words

Preparing for the Ultimate Trial On their arrival the souls had to go straight before Lachesis. And an interpreter†¦.took from the lap of Lachesis a number of lots and patterns of life and†¦proclaimed: This is the word of Lachesis maiden daughter of Necessity. Souls of a day, here you must begin another round of mortal life whose end is death†¦Then (he) set before them†¦.different patterns of life , far more in number than the souls who were to choose them†¦ Plato, The Republic, Part 11/Book 10 In order to write this essay, I first had to understand Platos stand point on life and death, body and soul. What was his idea of a healthy way of leading your life? The very essence of Platonic thinking comes down to Platos definition†¦show more content†¦Basically I will be looking at Platos views on love, because from love spawns all goodness and beauty. This will be explained further later. Platos theory of forms (the two world theory- one sensory world of objects, and another world of forms and ideas), wisdom and justice as necessary factors in a happy life, and the nature of the soul (Immortality). Plato placed a lot of importance on beauty, the true appreciation for beauty. Platos circular dogma comes in into play in a lot of his theories, so this too will be investigated. Let us start with the death of Socrates, Platos mentor and lover. Illustrated in the Phaedo, Plato shows us an insight into this great mans teachings, of which there are no copies. He was thought to be the wisest man in Greece at the time of his execution. Socrates would be considered the epitome of Platonic man; he had achieved the highest levels of wisdom and goodness, the absolutes of beauty. But how did this man achieve these degrees of understanding and insightfulness? He simply lived his life following the motto he set for himself, Become what you are. There is the knowledge and beauty there for the taking, it is up to us to find our path. If Socrates is the ideal platonic man then he is a good role model for me as I prepare myself for my ending day. I would strive for the Good which in Platonic terms is a totality of perfection. The emphasis is onShow MoreRelatedThe Use of Mobs in â€Å"a Tale of Two Cities†1493 Words   |  6 Pagesthe movie and the book, mobs are portrayed as powerful. Mobs are made up of many people with the same thoughts and motives. Mobs can also be very destructive for that same reason. Dickens uses the mob mentality to depict the bloody horror and the ultimate success of the French Revolution. In the book, Dickens portrays the people as having the hatred necessary for mob violence. Immediately, the book shows us an example how such hatred was created. 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